Herbivores of Africa-Part One

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In this series of posts I will write about Africa’s herbivores. This will include everything from the big and well known animals like elephants, to the little duikers that are so often overlooked by people rushing to find bigger animals. Because this is a relatively large group I will write about the group rather than […]

Book review: the elephant whisperer

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This book is probably the best nature related book I’ve ever read. It is a remarkable story about a man who takes in a herd of problem elephants that would other wise have been killed. In order to save their lives he has to form a bond with them so that they will tolerate humans. […]

Elephant Encounter

This gallery contains 2 photos.

  Elephants are beautiful and majestic animals that are wonderful to witness. However they are also very dangerous, even when you remain in your car. This is especially so Pilanesberg National Park. When they reintroduced elephants into the park they did so by relocating elephants from other over populated parks like the Kruger National Park. […]